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WonderMill Grain Mill Reviews

(Electric Grain Mill)

Profession Reviews:

Peco Foods, Inc.

Taste of Life Natural Market & Prepared Meals

Vickilynn Haycraft from Real Food Living

Chef Brad

Bread Machine Digest

Bryanna Clark Grogan (her WonderMill Recipes)


Other Reviews:

Passes LDS ProvidentLiving.org 
recommendations: read article

Customer Comments:

Sally at Natural designs studio
"Now, I'm normally not a person that likes to use large appliances, but these WONDER MILLS are precision tools with fine-to-course settings and take only minutes to grind enough flour for a full recipe of bread. Eight cups of wheat kernels makes 12 cups of flour- whohooo! I received my grinder as a gift and made bread for the first time last week. My family agrees that other breads do not compare in taste or texture but the best part of bread baking is the "aromatherapy" and eating the heel with melted butter while it is still warm."

"I want to say how happy I am with my Wonder Mill. I have had it for 2 years and I love it. I brought it after becoming downright addicted to freshly ground flour that I would borrow off of a friend who had one. I haven't bought flour from a store since. I use it 4-5 times a week and love it. I know that I have sold at least 6 other people on your product - and have one friend who is borrowing flour off of me the same way I used to. We have a deal - I supply her with fresh flour and in return, she bakes wonderful things and shares them with me. I am pretty sure I have the better end of the deal, since grounding flour takes only a minute. Thank you, Eva"

Washington State review
"My name is Joe Stout and I work for Washington State University. I teach low-income students about the merits of healthy eating. I am constantly looking for ways to encourage kids to eat whole grains. Not only is the concept of whole grains hard to teach, but they are constantly surrounded by refined junk. I use the WonderMill Junior to teach the kids that whole grain kernels go in the top, perfectly ground whole wheat flour comes out the side. Not only do they understand the concept now, but they love the pancakes we cook with the flour ground by the WonderMill. It is fine and smooth and make the best pancakes ever! They also get a huge "kick" out of turning the handle as fast as they can. Thanks WonderMill for making my job easier! "
Joe Stout
Washington State University
Spokane Washington

See Reviews on Amazon.com (Highly Rated)

Wonder Junior
(Hand Grain Mill)

Profession Reviews

Lisa Bedford from The Survival Mom

M. D. Creekmore from The Survivalist Blog

Vickilynn Haycraft from Real Food Living

Bread Machine Digest


Customer Comments:

Surviving Survivalism eBook (page 179)
" We recently got the best grain mill we've ever had – a Wonder Junior Deluxe Hand Grain Mill by the Wondermill Company. We were investigating the Country Living Mill at about $400, but found and chose this one instead at $219. It has a large capacity hopper, comes with sets of both a steel and stone burrs, attaches to the table with either permanent lag bolts or a stable, double screw-on-and-off mechanism and grinds excellently. It will even do peanut butter and grind coffee. Spare parts are easily available and affordable. For the price, we have found it to be the best value."

R. Jackson
"I have been using my Junior for about 3 years, primarily for the special and generally uncommon purpose of regrinding turkey and gamebird ration to fine enough a grind for consumption by Bobwhite quail chicks. Commercially manufactured gamebird and turkey rations that are nutritionally suitable for quail are much too coarse for baby quail to consume rapidly enough to sustain their demand for food. They cannot get the little crumbles down fast enough to stay fed. With the Junior, powered by electic motor, at perhaps 200 to 600 rpms I am able to regrind 50 pounds of poultry crumbles in about 15 to 20 minutes. I have experimented with the stone and steel burrs for this work and find them to perform very differently but both provide suitable end results.... The Junior is to my knowledge unrivaled in quality of craftsmanship, design strength and durability. I was "Wonder" struck at how unyielding is its grip to a suitable mounting surface. There is zero wobble or free play to the two element clamp mount. To me Junior in its body and function is a fine thing. Really fine. Thank Your, R. Jackson"

Survivalists at SurvivalBoards.com
recommend the Wonder Junior

forum user: ChrisInGa
I use the Wonder Mill Jr Deluxe . It works very well and costs around $220.. It does course and fine with minor adjustments. It comes with both steel and stone burs. Its built like a tank but it still fairly light weight in comparison to many of its competitors. It does both oily items and dry grains including pop corn and wheat berries. I also like their electric powered mill. But that's another story.


forum user: Night Hawk
I'll second the Wonder Mill Jr, I have one and it works great.


forum user: Pragmatist
I'll 3rd the Wondermill Jr. but make sure to get the Deluxe model. It does basically everything the Country Living Mill can do, but for close to half the price.


forum user: Learn
we have the wonder mill jr, it is highly durable, can grind many things, and is only a bit over 200. I would definitely buy another as we are very happy with its operation


forum user: davehaze
I second the Wondermill Jr. Get the deluxe version, it comes with the stone and metal grinders.


forum user: grandma
This is also the one I have... https://thewondermill.com/ (the one on the right). I've ground red wheat berries and used the flour for bread, and used popping corn to make the best cornmeal I've ever tasted. It also ground roasted coffee beans. (although I put it through twice to make it fine enough for my (electric) coffee brewer...when I'm forced to make 'camp' coffee I think one pass will be enough. It came with both stone and steel burrs. It did take a while to get enough flour to make bread, but I figure when/if T*HTF, I'll have time to do it.

See Reviews on Amazon.com (Highly Rated)